Saturday, May 30, 2009

This Week.

So i was writing this long winded "me" blog (yes i realize a blog is essentially about me but this was more than usual about me) when my internet at the starbucks wouldnt work. Thankfully I decided not to publish that awful article and instead talk about the previous week.

The past six months of being unemployed made me forget the ritual that is commuting here in Chicago. Every morning, Monday through Friday, millions of hard working Chicagoans strap on their messanger bag (or in my case backpack), stop by their local coffee shop for an injection of caffine and maybe a breakfast item (I enjoy an iced coffee and the occasional bagel, but trying to be a healthier eater so protein bar and banana for me) and then wind their way to their favorite bus stop or el station to head into work. Then the adventure begins. Will my train/bus be on time? what's the traffic like on the LSD (applies to buses only, LSD= Lake Shore Drive) Will I get a seat? Also the unknowns will happen, like say a homeless person sitting next you in your business suit (or a rich lady in a fur coat in the winter, that's my favorite scene) Or a methhead chatting on his phone with his friend on how to get more drugs from the state to fulfill their habits (true story...)

The commute can either be a dreadful experience or a fun game, depending on how you look at it and your attitude towards public transit. If you just roll with the punches and take your eyes off your ipod/iphone/blackberry/newspaper for a while and look at your surroundings you can watch a parade of humanity entering/exiting your train to the Loop - in my case in the opposite direct to Evanston. It can be a great way to start the day or end the day.

So I started this ritual again. It is something I have to get used to as I have not had a steady schedule for the last six months, but I am slowly getting over that. I find comfort in the routine of going to work, grabbing my cup of joe and a copy of the RedEye (a free newspaper that is basically 20 percent AP news articles, 30 percent ads for lincoln park and wrigleyville bars and 50 percent celebrity gossip, I MUST know what the people from the Hills are doing these days!) and settling in for my 30 min ride on the El.

On another note, this weekend kicks off several street festivals across the City. Most noteable is May Fest in Lincoln Square. I am told it is Germanfest in May so I plan on checking it out on Sunday this weekend and grab a beer, brat and maybe some local band on stage. Chicagoans get out and enjoy the city, and other readers of this blog I encourage you to explore something about where you live, post a comment here if you want to talk about what you like about your city in the summer.

With you always,


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